
I'm glad you've found my blog-page.
On this site I hope to keep you updated on all my new exhibitions, artworks and creative endeavours.

If you look around the site you should find images of my recent and not so recent artwork.
Please enjoy.......

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Urban Creatures

If you're in Port Melbourne from April-June get along to  Toyota Australia in Bertie St. for Urban Creatures.
46 odd Australian emeging artists are showcased in this great show, including yours truly.

Sculpture Culture at Phillip Island Winery is also open to the public with 3 of my recent works installed.


  1. Hi Bob,

    I was delighted to recieve 'Summer Holiday' as a birthday gift...I LOVE IT!!


  2. Gee you're good Bob! I can still tell its an elephant even though its got a mask on!!!!
